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Monday, February 17, 2020

Dasar Refrigerasi atau Refrigerasi Dasar
Mata kuliah semester genap 2019-2020

Jadwal Perkuliahan dapat di unduh di sini
Materi modul refrigerasi dasar dapat di unduh di sini 
Tugas Refrigerasi dasar dapat di unduh di sini

Monday, January 27, 2020


I am positive that personal finance is 80 percent behavior and only 20 percent
head knowledge. Our concentration on behavior—realizing that most folks have
a good idea of what to do with money but not how to do it—has led us to a
different view of personal finance. Most financial people make the mistake of
trying to show you the numbers, thinking that you just don’t get the math. I am
sure that the problem with my money is the guy in my mirror. If he will behave,
he can make the money thing work. The math of wealth building is not rocket
science; it is simple—but you have to DO IT!